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The library of Italo Calvino lights up on the web thanks to Luce5

An immersion into the personal collection of one of the most celebrated authors of the twentieth century on the centenary of his birth.

by Luce5


Imagine having the privilege of entering the personal library of one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, Italo Calvino, as if you were in his home, in front of his beloved bookshelf.

This dream has now become a reality, thanks to an ambitious project involving Italian excellence in technology and culture.

The National Central Library of Rome has reconstructed the author's library and made his precious collection of approximately 9000 volumes available online, organized according to the order that Calvino himself had given to his books.

Beyond the great opportunity available to Calvino enthusiasts, the true innovation of this project lies in how you can explore this extraordinary library: there is an online textual search function capable of tracking the use of lemmas and expressions in the writer's work.

This opportunity was made possible thanks to the integration of the library catalogue with the Concordances tool. This complex tool, still in development, was created through a collaboration between the National Central Library of Rome, and thanks to the technical/functional involvement of Luce5.

Thanks to its in-house IT developing and engineering office, Luce5 played a fundamental role in creating an unprecedented browsing experience within Italo Calvino's virtual library. By bringing curiosity, passion into play and stimulating creativity, visitors to the site can now indulge in the search for titles and authors and see the placement of books in the collection.

This means that scholars, researchers, and all passionate readers can delve deep into Calvino's extraordinary cultural heritage, obtaining valuable insights for research and study.

This project not only represents a worldwide innovation and a special tribute to the centenary of Calvino's birth, but also demonstrates how Italian skills can preserve and enhance the national cultural heritage.

Italo Calvino's library now lights up on the web, allowing everyone to explore and discover the literary world of a great master.
